Thursday, September 9, 2010

College Level General Chemistry Dvds



* manual collection of garbage in residential services and Dorothy Street, between Hilary and Evelyn, Lydia Street between Narcissus and Roberto.
* Cut grass with scythe vidalera and in Chapel Our Lady of Pilar.
* Cleanup Volunteer Fire playón Sierra de los Padres with loader.
* Track and street engranzado Cecilia, between Sunday and Victor, 30 tons of distribuyendo Granz.
* conformation, and mesh entoscado calle Estela between Graciela and Lucio. * Distribution
20 tons Granz between Frances Street and Evelyn Isidore.
* Distribution of 20 tons at Rua Miguel Granz between Luisa and Lydia. * Distribution
30 tons Granz on calle Francisco, between San Martin and Frances Circuit.
* Distribution of 40 tons of Granz Evelina Street, between Carmen and Evaristo.
* Distribution in 5 tons of Granz William Street between Florence and Evelyn.
* Distribution in 5 tons of Granz between Frances Street and Hector Evaristo. * Distribution
10 tons of pellets in between Evelyn Street and Frank Evaristo.
* Distribution of 10 tons of pellets in Dart Street. * Uncover
Street between Luis and Graciela Estela. BARRIO THE PILGRIM

* Cut grass with scythe in vidalera and premises of the Delegation Municipal Tourist Information Booth and P. Access Road Luis Varetta. * 1 travel
land to distribute to street Jesuits and Luis Varetta.
* With input from the Cooperativa de Trabajo "The Penguins" bike path cleaning, Access P. Varetta between Route 226 and Del Pueblo Pampa. * Trace path
Km 15, between Route 226 and road Cangapol Cacique. Tracking path
* Camping Light and Force, among RILAPA and Road Km 15. * Tracking
Street Route 226 Km 18 to Cava Landa. * Tracking and engranzado
Street Our Lady of the Forsaken, between Access and street Varetta The Blackbirds, distributing 10 tons of pellets. * Street
Tracking Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, between Access Varetta and Valle Verde. * Tracking street
hobs, entre calles Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and Ramon Iturrioz. Street
* Tracking of the Pilgrims, including street and road Reduction City of Rome. Conformation and engranzado
* Father Manuel Querini street, between access Varetta and Km 15, retiring 10 trips to uncover, distributing crude 3 trips and 10 tons of pellets.
* Place 3 0400en downspouts home for street entrance of the Pilgrims from the reduction Street and City of Rome, leveling two rough trips. * Placement of 7
downspouts by Father Querini street and road Km 15 to meet demand nameless street opening, CIII, SK, P 211. BARRIO


* Conformation, and enganzado entoscado Candelaria River Street, between Juan Manuel Fangio and Collector Street Cargaraña River, removing breakout 8 trips, 37 trips to distribute 140 tons of coarse and madder. * Forming street
Candelaria River, between River Street and River Aruel Carcarañá.
* Conformation Calle Rio Blanco, Juan Manuel Fangio between Collector and Rio Blanco.
* Fill reservoir located by street Rñio Aturl between Candelaria and Rio Street Rio Blanco, distributing a journey of broken folder, 1 rough trip and 10 tons of pellets.
* Alteo low Carcarañá River flooded by street, between Rio and Rio Limay Aguapey, we used three broken folder trips and 20 tons of pellets.
* Tracking Teuco River Street, between Candelaria and Rio Limay River. * Tracking
Corcovado River Street between River Street and River Atuel Teuco.
* Placement 7 0400 downspouts to ensure entry Candelaria River Street home by, among Collector JM Fangio and Rio Cargarañá. Distribution
* 10 tons of pellets for Route 226 Km 17, from Marsh Miraldi. * Tracking
Jachal River Street, between Route 226 and walk Bordeu JM. BARRIO

* Contribution from a trip Bresin firewood for the family and one for the Flia. Olivares, previously surveyed by Social Worker. * Tracking
Calle El Mirador, between Route 226 and Calle La Lomada.
* Distribution of 30 tons of revenge for Calle El Mirador, between Route 226 and Hill Street. * Forming street
The Rocks, among streets Vecinos Unidos and El Mirador.
* Forming street El Manantial, between Avenida El Valle y Calle El Mirador.
* Formation of Calle La Serrania Avenue between Valley and Vecinos Unidos. Tracking
* Vecinos Unidos Street, between Route 226 and heating the mound.
* Tracking Calle La Quebrada, between Avenida El Valle and El Mirador.
* Tracking El Cerro Street, between El Mirador and The Haven. * Tracking
Hill Street, between Vecinos Unidos and El Mirador. * Tracking
Street El Monte, among Vecinos Unidos and The Haven.
* Tracking Calle La Laguna, among Vecinos Unidos and The Haven. GREEN HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD

* Height Reconstruction Km 25, right hand, to Balcarce, removing 17 trips to uncover, and distributing crude 8 trips.
* Pruning undertake tree vehicular traffic for road works, street 150 meters pr Quilmes Indians and Indian Querandíes.
* Conformation and Tehuelches engranzado Indian street, between Indian Street and Haras El Ranqueles Sky, removing 12 old breakout and distributing 190 tons of pellets.
* Engranzado Ranqueles Indian street, between Indians in Indian Tehuelches Querandíes.
* Conformation, street cleaning and Indian engranzado Querandíes between Indians and Haras Ranqueles firmly, removing 8 trips to uncover and distributing 120 tons of pellets. * Low
Alteo street flooded by Quilmes Indians, among Ranqueles Street and Indian Araucanian Indians, distribute 1 trip broken asphalt and 30 tons of pellets. BARRIO SANTA PAULA

* 1 Contribution trip fuel for the Association of Development.
* Contribution and transport firewood for family trips Mari Mendez, Gervasoni family and family of Ortiz Street and Route 226, previously surveyed by social worker.
* Street Trace:
Martinez, among streets Ortiz and Martin Fierro, Viera, among Muguerza and Gmeiner, Zubiaurre, between Martin Fierro and Ortiz Alcantara between Ortiz and Barboza, Barreiro, between Martinez and Arroyo La Tapera, Barboza, including Muguerza and Arroyo La Tapera, Valdez, between Martinez and Gmeiner, street parallel to the Gas Plant.


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